The Danbury Society
Registered Charity No. 283898
The Danbury Society is a village conservation Society located in
Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex, UK

Contents : -   Click on one of the following: - Carved Village Post on Eve's Corner, Danbury

Latest Changes
1st April 2023
Report with photos on the AGM on 24th November.
Added the Proposed additional 4,000 house near to Danbury.

Click below to see the Chelmsford Local Plan (Note as at 2021, to be updated soon),
as a PDF File of only 66kBytes, in a New Window: -
Chelmsford Local Plan and comments

4,000 Additional House near Danbury!
Please be aware that Central Government have required Chelmsford City Council to plan for an additanal 8,000 houses.
The Council Option E suggests 4,000 on Hammonds Farm, East of the A12 & the A414 towards Danbury.
There is scope for that to be increased to 12,000!
Closing date for comments is Thursday 20 October 2022.

Details are contained on this Web Link:-

Essex Branch of the Historic Association.

Please note this is not a WWW - it is a home based Server.

Also to see their local programme : -
Essex Branch of the Historic Association Programme.

Thank you.


The Christmas Tree at Eves Corner

The Christmas Tree this year was organised by the Danbury Parish Council with a Donation from the Danbury Society.

Christmas Tree at Eve's Corner
This Year's Christmas Tree at Eve's Corner.

Plaque informs that the Danbury Parish Council & The Danbury Society
also sponsored the provision of this lovely Tree.

Annual General Meeting.

This was held on Thursday November 24th at 8:00PM In the Dawson Suite at the Danbury Sports & Social Centre.

On a wet evening the AGM was opened by the Chairman, Roger Cole-Jones.
Apoligies were noted and the Minutes of the previous AGM agreed.
Roger presented the Chairman's Report and said he was pleased the Danbury Society were able to put on the successful Art Show this year.   He thanked all those persons in turn who had made this year successful bearing in mind the previous National troubles everyone had endured.

The top table with Chairman Roger Cole-Jones presenting his Report,
Vice Chairman Mark Scofield seat to his right and Treasurer Bob Booker to his left.

Photos by John Bowen

Bob Booker then presented the Treasurer's Report.   He commented that the Society had made donationa during the year to the benfit of Danbury.   The Art Show had been visited by a large number of persons who had contributed to its financial success.

The Annual Election of Officers took place.   Glad Deamer would be stepping down after running the Art Show for many years - she was thanked for all the work she had done for the Society.   A replacement was required. The Secretary, Ms Jo Overy was also stepping down and was thanked for her work for the Society.   Again, a replacement was required.

All existing Officers were relected for 2023.
During Any Business questions were asked as to the state of the delapidated Tea House nearly opposite the Anchor Public House.
Mark said he was sorry but the situation was still at a stale mate - as it had been for the past 40 years.

The Chairman thanked all the 30 or so members present and closed the meeting.

Ms Irene Guidotti was then introduced to present her talk on: Heritage Open Days in Danbury.

Ms Irene Guidotti.

She explained that the objects on the table were all from her house which is the North Keep to Danbury Palace.
They were being used to keep a 1756 map of Danbury in place - this showed the previous house called Danbury Place in those days.

Irene started by saying that previously she had contributed to the Heritage Day with the late Norman Bartlett - this was just before his tragic accident.
She related the walk she had organised for the 2022 Heritage Day whereby she took 24 members to visit the public houses in Danbury as they really were the fabric of the Village.   In 1910 there were 10 public houses; the Judges had just closed the Black Boy near The Common as they thought there were too many for the number of persons using them.

She gave a very interesting account of the history of Danbury and was thanked by the Chairman who then invited all those present to join him with the refreshments provided.

Photograph of some of the members present after the AGM.

Society Meeting & Talk.

Thursday September 22nd at 8:00PM in the Dawson Suite at the Danbury Sports & Social Centre.

A Talk on Beeleigh Mills given by Paul Chaplin of the Beeleigh Mills Preservation Society.

After the usual Safety anouncements were given by John Deamer, Paul took the floor explained that the Beeleigh Mills Preservation Group (BMRG) came into existance in 2009 because a number of intrerested persons thought that the wonderful "Engine" at Beeleigh should not only be presevered but "Brought back to Life".   They work with Essex County Council with the aim of restoring it in order to produce flour.

Beeleigh Mills
Showing the building which houses the Engine & Beam.
Published with kind permission of the BMRG.

Beeleigh Mills
Audience of 25 + listening to Paul telling the story.
Photo by John Bowen, Webmaster.

He related the story of how the Mill came into existance in AD 1180 and passed through various owners until a steam driven Mill was installed in 1845. Unfortuately the Mill burnt down in 1875 but was saved by the Maldon Fire Brigade.

He explained how they have cleaned, repaired and even made items for the Engine such that on selected days they can show it working driven by compressed air.

They have repaired the floor inside the Mill and in doing so uncovered one of Churchill's Secret Wartime Cells, hidden to upset the Germans if they ever came to Essex.

Beeleigh Mills
Showing a close-up of the Boiler and location near Maldon.
Published with kind permission of the BMRG.

Paul answered a number of questions and explained in detail a few points raised during his presentation.

Chairman, Roger thanked Paul and Members of BMRG in the audience for such an interesting evening.

Afterwards, refreshments were served by Glad & Helpers.

The 48th Annual Art Exhibition.

Bank Holiday Weekend.

It is great news that the Danbury Art Exhibition 2022 took place this year.
From Friday 26th August to Sunday 28th August some of the best of works of our local artists were on display at the Sports and Social Centre, Danbury.

August Art Show
Ms Eileen Massow (left) and Mary Huntington on the Welcome Table at the entrance to the Art Exhibition.
Glad Deamer, the Exhibition Organiser is behind.

Photo by John Deamer

To cover the cost of mounting the exhibition, there was an entry fee of £1.00 per adult visitor but with no charge for any children he or she might bring along.

There was the usual famous Raffle.

Art Coordinator, Ros Bryant has introducted a number of changes as the result of requested feedback from both the Artists and the visitors.

August Art Show
Screen layout which meets you on entry to the Art Show (right hand side).
Photo by John Deamer

August Art Show
Typical screen layout which meets you on entry to the Art Show (left hand side).
Following photos by John Bowen

Artists are now permitted to show all of their paintings on one hanging panel which was first introduced in 2019 and much appreciated.

August Art Show
Another panel laid out with a range of paintings.

The catalogue with the colourful cover will no longer be available.   Instead the details of every painting will be on a card mounted next to the relevant painting.   The card will have all the relevant information: the title, the artist, the medium and the price.

Beside the hung paintings there will be table laid out to display portfolio pictures.   Each painting will be wrapped in a clear film to protect it with the name of the artist and price.   The nice thing about a Portfolio painting is that the purchaser can arrange to provide a frame of the type, colour and size to suite the position the painting will hang in their house.
Having purchased a portfolio picture - they can be taken away at that time.

August Art Show
A small selection from the Portfolio tables.

August Art Show
In pride of place in the centre of the rear wall is the paintings selected from 3 local schools.
St John's C of E Primary School in on the right and Danbury Park on the left
(Heathcote is partially hidden - see below).

August Art Show
Heathcote School paintings.

August Art Show

August Art Show

August Art Show

August Art Show
As a change from Painting this Marquetry series was exhibited.

August Art Show
A number of Constable style paintings were exhibited.

August Art Show
A number of large paintings were exhibited - this being one.

Many paintings were sold during the 3 days of the exhibition.   There was other income from, for example, a Raffle.   After all expenses have been deducted, the Society will be able to add to its funds that are devoted to its charitable objects.

Danbury Annual Art Exhibition provides the platform for the most significant social occasion in the village year.     Furthermore, any proceeds go to the charitable funds used for Danbury Society's objects: enriching village life, preserving the character of village and surrounding countryside, and supporting village groups.

Thanks to Ros Bryant, the Committee, Helpers and all the Artist who provided such a lovely selection of paintings.

Refreshments were available from the Sports & Social Club upstairs.

Two car parks - free to park.

Ros is interested on comments about the exhibition - you can E-Mail her using the link below.

Click here to e-mail the Art Show Organiser directly.

National Heritage Open Day.

Saturday 10th September 10:00am.
Historic Danbury Pub Walk with Irene Guidotti.

Proposed New Power Station

The Danbury Society Committee would also like to draw your attention to the discussion involving the proposed new Power Station at Bradwell.

Click below to see the Bradwell Story as a PDF File of 2MBytes, in a New Window: -

  • Bradwell Story as a PDF to download.
  • Thank you.

    Click here to go back to the Top

    Aims of The Danbury Society

    To involve the residents of Danbury in interests and pursuits to enrich village life.

    To ensure that changes in the Village are undertaken with sensitivity to the character of Danbury.

    To protect the natural beauty of the local landscape and to promote its maintenance and care.

    To Work for the preservation and protection of buildings and features of interest in Danbury.

    To promote the general charitable benefit of the inhabitants of the Danbury area by provision of such financial and/or material benefit as the Trustees for the time being shall determine.

    The Danbury Society supports the Village

    As part of its Charitable Objects, the Danbury Society makes grants to village activities and organisations of all kinds.   Since its formation in 1967, the Society has donated many thousands of pounds ranging from improvements at Eves Corner, refurbishing the Village Hall, restoration of the Grade 1 listed Parish Church to helping out with youth organisations.

    The Danbury Society publish a Newsletter every 4 months.   This is available to paid-up Members

    Contact Information

    The Danbury Society Web Site Address is:-

    The following links "Open in a New Page" - use the top right (X) to close the New Page to return to this Web Site.
    This Web Site is hosted by Easyspace

    St John's Parish Church.

    Visit the Church Web Site for more details:-

    The Danbury Society supports The Parish Council.

    Visit the Parish Council's new Web Site for more details:-

    Danbury Palace Babies Contact Information

    Click here  to link to Danbury Park Babies Web Site

    The Danbury Society Blog

    Please note The Danbury Society, Blog on Danbury village matters has been discontinued.
    It covered events and incidents that were relevant to the objects of Danbury Society.
    Have a look for yourself at: -    

    There will not be any more updates.

    Note, this is a Server based site and therefore not a "www" (World Wide Web site).

    Joining The Danbury Society

    If you live in Danbury, please support The Danbury Society by joining. It is only £2.00 per household per year or £3.00 if we cannot deliver your Newsletter on foot.   See clickable link below: -

  • To join the Danbury Society
  • To contact the Membership Secretary: -
    Chandra Pyne.
    Telephone -- 01245 223766

    Click   here  to e-mail Chandra Pyne directly.

    Comments and Suggestions regarding the Web Site
    Click  here  to e-mail the WebMaster directly.

    Click here to go back to the Top

    To see the Danbury Society Statistics starting 2015 enter     /stats/     after the Web Address viz     You can Click on this Link if you wish.

    Cursor down to see many interesting items about the Web Site.

    The Web Site was started by John Bowen in 2000 and recorded over 12,000 hits by 2009 when the counter went wrong.
    Another 9,000 Hits were recorded until 2015 when the Counter played up again.

    Copyright (c) John Bowen 2022