The Danbury Society
Registered Charity No. 283898
The Danbury Society is a village conservation Society located in
Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex, UK

Latest Changes
11th April 2024 Updated the Web Site.   It is now a Secure Web Site.
Updated the AGM on November 23rd 2023.   Report on the Danbury Conversion presentation on Tuesday 26th September where I caught the "Covid Cough".

The Danbury Society would like to draw your attention to the following items of interest : -

The Webmaster would like to draw your attention to the very nicely printed Danbury Footpaths Map originally produced by the Danbury Society by the late David Bolwell.   It is available by the Parish Council from a side pocket on the old British Legion Hut at the head of the car park - FREE.

The Footpath Map is in two sections - one side contains a nice road map of Danbury with 6 Footpath Walks for YOU to enjoy.   They are coded with numbers to follow.

The other side contains a nice selection of photographs by David Whiteing of parts of the village with a numbered reference sytems of interest.

Solar Farm.

Have you noticed the Solar Farm built at the bottom of Danbury Hill opposite Hull's Lane and two other fields nearer to Danbury.
It appeares they are completed.   At least it is not houses!

David Bolwell

David Bolwell
Photo by Curt Brown & supplied by John Deamer.
It is with deep regret I have to report the sad death of David Bolwell on Sunday, the 29th January 2023 at Broomfield Hospital, after a short illness.
He was 92 years old in April 2022.

For some 40 years he has supported the Danbury Society in many roles including the Footpaths Officer when he produced 6 maps for visitors to use around Danbury.   Along with David Moore he used to lead the yearly Danbury Society Walk around Danbury pointing out items of interest.   With other Members he planted 1,000s of Daffodil bulbs in the verges of the roads around Danbury; these have provided much pleasure to the thousands who live and drive through the Village in each springtime.

He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

The Danbury Society extend their Sympathy to his Family.

David's funeral was led by Ms Vicky Corderloy in the North Chapel, Chelmsford Crematorium, CM1 3BL on Wednesday, 22nd March at 11am.
The Chapel was full of family & those who knew him and afterwards a Wake was held in the Copper House, Danbury.
For more information, please contact
Mr Paul Hassin, Solicitor of Danbury on 01245 221699.

Click below to see the Chelmsford Local Plan (Note as at 2021, to be updated soon),
as a PDF File of only 66kBytes, in a New Window: -
Chelmsford Local Plan and comments

4,000 Additional House near Danbury!
Please be aware that Central Government have required Chelmsford City Council to plan for an additanal 8,000 houses.
The Council Option E suggests 4,000 on Hammonds Farm, East of the A12 & the A414 towards Danbury.
There is scope for that to be increased to 12,000!
Closing date for comments is Thursday 20 October 2022.

Details are contained on this Web Link:-

Essex Branch of the Historic Association.

Please note this is not a WWW - it is a home based Server.

Also to see their local programme : -
Essex Branch of the Historic Association Programme.

Thank you.


The 2023 Danbury Society Newsletters will be published and distributed to Members in due course.

First Society Meeting & Talk.

This was held on Wednesday, 26th April at the Danbury Leisure Centre.

An illustrated Talk was presented by the author, David Worsford on his new book Operation Aerial .
This is the previously untold story of the evacuations from Dunkirk in June 1940.

David Worsfold is best known for his work as an award-winning financial journalist, in particular as a writer on the insurance industry and financial services which he has covered for over 40 years.

As well as editing a range of leading business titles, David wrote for The Guardian for several years and has contributed to most major national newspapers in the UK.
He has appeared on radio and television as a commentator on insurance and financial issues and is an experienced conference speaker and facilitator.

A good historic story was presented.

After - refreshments were taken with the Committee.

The Evening Visit.

Was on Wednesday, 7th June at 7.30pm at Beeliegh Abbey, Maldon.

The visit was to the Beeleigh Mill Preservation Trust - following on from our presentation in 2022.

Beeleigh Mills
Showing a close-up of the Boiler and location near Maldon.
Published with kind permission of the BMRG.

9 Members were escorted around the Boiler complex and also enjoyed the refreshments.
They all left before it got dark - thanks to the late evenings now.

A very interesting evening - thanks to the Beeleigh Mills Preservation Society and the Danbury Society.

Guided Walk Around Danbury Park & Danbury Palace Gardens.

Saturday, 1st July at 10am.

Ms Irene Guidotti took us around Danbury Park & Palace Gardens to look at its History, Heritage and Wildlife.

Thanks to Ms Irene Guidotti for her effort and knowledge which made the Walk so interesting.

The 49th Annual Art Exhibition.

Bank Holiday Weekend.

From Friday 25th August to Sunday 27th August some of the best of works of our local artists were on display at the Danbury Leisure Centre, Danbury.   CM3 4NQ.

Refreshments were available from the Sports & Social Club upstairs

The Danbury Art Exhibition opened at 10.00 on Friday 25th August 2023.

Art Show

The greeting party at the entrance to the Art Show.
Photographs by the Webmaster, John Bowen.

The Danbury Annual Art Exhibition provides the platform for the most significant social occasion in the village year.     Furthermore, any proceeds go to the charitable funds used for Danbury Society's objects: enriching village life, preserving the character of village and surrounding countryside, and supporting village groups.

To cover the cost of mounting the exhibition, there was an entry fee of £1.00 per adult visitor but with no charge for any children he or she might bring along.

There is the usual famous Raffle with a painting as the prize.

Art Coordinator, Ros Bryant has introducted a number of changes as the result of requested feedback from both the Artists and the visitors.

August Art Show
Screen layout which meets you on entry to the Art Show (right hand side).

August Art Show
Typical screen layout which meets you on entry to the Art Show (left hand side).

Artists are now permitted to show all of their paintings on one hanging panel which was first introduced in 2019 and much appreciated.

August Art Show
In pride of place in the centre of the rear wall is the paintings selected from 3 local schools.

The details of every painting is on a card mounted next to the relevant painting.
The card has the relevant information: - the Title, the Artist, the Medium and the Price.

August Art Show
A small selection from the Art Show.

August Art Show

August Art Show

August Art Show

August Art Show

Beside the hung paintings there is a long table laid out to display Portfolio pictures.  
Each painting will be wrapped in a clear film to protect it with the name of the artist and price.
The nice thing about a Portfolio painting is that the purchaser can arrange to provide a frame of the type, colour and size to suite the position the painting will hang in their house.
Having purchased a portfolio picture - they can be taken away at that time.

August Art Show
Alison from Maldon had just spotted an
Oil on Canvas painting of Heybridge from the Portfolio table, to the right.

Photo shown with her kind permission.

Many paintings were sold during the 3 days of the exhibition.   There was other income from, for example, a Raffle.   After all expenses have been deducted, the Society will be able to add to its funds that are devoted to its charitable objects.

Like all events the Danbury Art Show is only possible due to the volunteers who come forward to help with hanging paintings, stewarding the exhibition, setting out the boards, and many other tasks that must be done to make the show a success.   If you have a few hours to give over the weekend of the show, or just want to offer general help on an ad hoc basis then please do make contact at the Link below.

If you would like more details or contact the Organiser - please E-Mail Glad Deamer below: -

Click here to e-mail Glad Deamer directly.

Or telephone Glad on 01245 223106.

Second Society Meeting & Talk in 2023.

This took place on Tuesday 26th September at 8.00pm in the Dawson Suite at the Danbury Leisure Centre.

Andrew Wiltshire presented an illustrated talk on the history of Danbury Conversions, a leading Motor Caravan Manufacturer who operated from a disused gravel pit and Well Lane in Danbury.

Art Show

Typical Danbury Conversion Campervan based on a VW Body.

Unfortunately somebody who was sitting behind me coughed at the back of my neck at the instant I was breathing in.
Thursday night I started coughing in a similar manner and after a week - still going strong together with tremendous sneezes.
3 days later I passed it to my wife Pauline who had 2 days in bed - unable to eat.   Still very ill.
Taken the Covid Test but that was OK.   No temperature - just feel dreadful!   Still coughing 29th October 2023!.

Hence the reason for no Web report or photos on the interesting talk - Thank you Andrew - Hope you did not catch it as well.

Annual General Meeting & Talk.

Thursday, November 23rd in the Dawson Suite at the Danbury Leisure Centre.

Chairman Roger Cole-Jones welcombed the 33 Members that night and thanked the many persons who had contributed to the success of the Danbury Society for 2023.
He said that this was the 3rd year he had been Chairman. It was Proposed that Mark Scofield should be the next Chairman with Harry Clacy as Vice. All existing Committee Member said that they would stand for 2024.
The Treasurers Report was read by Roger who highlighted the Society had made donations to Danbury Parish Council for Christmas Tree at Eves Corner, Danbury Mens Shed for the purchase of power tools and Danbury Open Gardens for the cost of printing the programmes.

After the AGM there was an Illustated Talk by Tony Tuckwell (former KEGS Headmaster) on "The Only Coastal Way is Essex".
20:54 17/01/2024 This was a lighthearted walk around the Essex Coast - not the ITV2 programme!

Usually this is followed by light refreshments and drinks with the Committee.

The Christmas Tree at Eves Corner for 2023.

The Christmas Tree for 2023 will be organised by the Danbury Parish Council with a Donation from the Danbury Society.
It will be on Friday, 1st December 2023 at Eves Corner with the Tree Lights lit at 7pm.
The Salvation Army wiII lead the Carol Singing.
Afterwards, hot drinks and Mince Pies will be provided by the Parish Council in the Leisure Centre.
Brings back pleasent memories from 20 years ago - well done for organising it - all we need is a nice night.

Christmas Tree at Eve's Corner
This is a photograph of the 2022 Christmas Tree at Eve's Corner.

Plaque informs that the Danbury Parish Council & The Danbury Society
also sponsored the provision of this lovely Tree.

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Aims of The Danbury Society

To involve the residents of Danbury in interests and pursuits to enrich village life.

To ensure that changes in the Village are undertaken with sensitivity to the character of Danbury.

To protect the natural beauty of the local landscape and to promote its maintenance and care.

To Work for the preservation and protection of buildings and features of interest in Danbury.

To promote the general charitable benefit of the inhabitants of the Danbury area by provision of such financial and/or material benefit as the Trustees for the time being shall determine.

The Danbury Society supports the Village

As part of its Charitable Objects, the Danbury Society makes grants to village activities and organisations of all kinds.   Since its formation in 1967, the Society has donated many thousands of pounds ranging from improvements at Eves Corner, refurbishing the Village Hall, restoration of the Grade 1 listed Parish Church to helping out with youth organisations.

The Danbury Society publish a Newsletter every 4 months.   This is available to paid-up Members

Contact Information

The Danbury Society Web Site Address is:-

The following links "Open in a New Page" - use the top right (X) to close the New Page to return to this Web Site.
This Web Site is hosted by Easyspace

St John's Parish Church.

Visit the Church Web Site for more details:-

The Danbury Society supports The Parish Council.

Visit the Parish Council's new Web Site for more details:-

Danbury Palace Babies Contact Information

Click here  to link to Danbury Park Babies Web Site

The Danbury Society Blog

Please note The Danbury Society, Blog on Danbury village matters has been discontinued.
It covered events and incidents that were relevant to the objects of Danbury Society.
Have a look for yourself at: -    

There will not be any more updates.

Note, this is a Server based site and therefore not a "www" (World Wide Web site).

Joining The Danbury Society

If you live in Danbury, please support The Danbury Society by joining. It is only £2.00 per household per year or £3.00 if we cannot deliver your Newsletter on foot.   See clickable link below: -

  • To join the Danbury Society
  • To contact the Membership Secretary: -
    Chandra Pyne.
    Telephone -- 01245 223766

    Click   here  to e-mail Chandra Pyne directly.

    Comments and Suggestions regarding the Web Site
    Click  here  to e-mail the WebMaster directly.

    Click here to go back to the Top

    To see the Danbury Society Statistics starting 2015 enter     /stats/     after the Web Address viz     You can Click on this Link if you wish.

    Cursor down to see many interesting items about the Web Site.

    The Web Site was started by John Bowen in 2000 and recorded over 12,000 hits by 2009 when the counter went wrong.
    Another 9,000 Hits were recorded until 2015 when the Counter played up again.

    Copyright (c) John Bowen 2024