The Danbury Society
Registered Charity No. 283898

The Danbury Society - Year 2001.

The First Meeting of 2001.

This was on Thursday, 15th March 2001.

Mick Miller of the National Trust presented an Illustrated Talk about the Gardens that they look after.

It was in the Church Meeting Rooms, Church Green.

Danbury is fortunate to have so much land around the Village which is owned by The National Trust.
Please note that the February Newsletter makes a hint the Meeting will be without clothes!. I can assure readers of this Web Page that this was a moment of error by the Editor as he typed it.

The Spring Walk

This DID take place on Sunday, 6th May 2001.

It was led by David Moore.

They met at the Community Centre Top Car Park.

We were very pleased to hear on the 3rd May that the Footpaths around Danbury have in general been declared OPEN and free from Foot and Mouth.
Dogs MUST be still kept on a lead. Any Footpath which goes across or adjacent to receptive livestock will remain closed.

The weather was good so the Walk included the Bluebells in Blakes Wood. These were very good due to the wet summer.

David, as usual provided a good and interesting walk.

Photograph of the Walkers as they set off

The select band of Walkers who had heard that the Ban had been lifted.

The Annual Coach Outing - Saturday, 16th June 2001.

It was to Sandringham, Norfolk.

This is about 80miles away and is owned by the Queen. The House and Gardens are only open when she is not there - hence the slightly earlier date this year. We visited Sandringham before the Royal Family went there for the Summer.

The weather was kind - it rained while we were looking around the house. There is always plenty to do - there was a very good building which houses an eating facility and a posher Restaurant.

The House is a family house which has been occupied by The Royal Family for many years - you can trace their history once there.

Sandringham House 
              and Gardens

The Annual Art Exhibition.

This took place over the Bank Holiday Weekend, Friday the 24th August to Sunday the 26th.

Times of Opening
Friday, 24th August - 12 Noon to 8pm
Saturaday, 25th August - 10am to 6pm
Sunday, 26th August - 10am to 5pm.

This gave visitors the chance to look at local scenes and to purchase original oil and water-colour paintings.   There was some 450 paintings on display.

The weather that weekend was generally very hot and many people went to the seaside. However, the Sunday was rainer and the attendance picked up.

Slightly less paintings were sold but the value of those which were sold was higher, so overall about the same revenue was made as last year.

This was the 11th year that Mary Hawker, assisted by David and Elle Bunn had run the Art Show. They now deserve a rest. Our grateful thanks to them.

The Danbury Society now have a new team to help run the 2002 Art Show. However help is always required. If you would like to talk to someone about this, telephone Curt on 223306.

Thursday, 20th September Meeting

This was a very good talk by Rick Morgan of BBC Essex Radio.

The Meeting was in the Church Meeting Room at 8pm.

The Autumn Walk - Sunday, 14th of October, 2001

Wendy and David Moore lead the Walkers on the final Walk of the year.

Thank you Wendy & David Moor for your Walk.

The Annual General Meeting

This was held on Thursday, 15th November, 2000 at 8pm.

After the AGM there was an Illustrated Slide show of the Late Peter Came's pictures presented by John Bowen.

The Slide Show started at St Cleres Hall, Danbury Palace and the Lakes. Then climbed the hill showing places as they were in the 1890s and now. The Griffin, Bakers Arms, The Cricketers and the The Black Boy public houses featured.

Ludgores about 1910

A picture from Peter Came's book of Danbury and Little Baddow in old Postcards.
It shows Ludgores about 1910.

The Common featured with pictures of Heathcote, The Old Bakery and Ludgores. It is interesting that Ludgores was a Home for Motherless Children from 1920 to 1937.

The slide show finished with a selection of houses which were knocked down to make way for the new estates in the 1960s. "Old" and the "Present" photographs were shown - it was lovely to be able to go back in age!.

The Committee were delighted that it was so well attended and are sorry that some people left as there was not a seat for them.

This was followed by the usual high quality Cheese and Wine with the Committee.

Christmas Carols around the Tree at Eve's Corner.

It took place on Wednesday, 19th of December at 8pm.

We were given a 23 foot high Christmas Tree by the publican of the Bell public house on the A414.

The tree was sawn down for us and loaded onto Robin's trailer and transported to Eve's Corner.

With the help of Robin's tractor it was erected and hung with 40 lights - 10 more than last year.

The Salvation Army treated us to their lovely music and lead the Carol Service. Afterwards hot mince pies and sounds of the Danbury Hand Bell Ringers in the URC Hall were enjoyed.
The weather was very cold but it was a bright night.

Please support the Danbury Society Activities

Daffodil Planting

A planting party led by David Bolwell planted 200 crocus and 400 plus daffodils around Danbury during October.

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Copyright (c) John Bowen 2001
Last revised:- 30 November, 2001.